The 21st Century COE Program
"Center of Excellence for Research and Education on Complex Functional Mechanical Systems"

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研究会のお知らせ > Gunnar Johannsen 教授 & Michael J. Lyons 博士 特別講演会 (2004/05/28)

Gunnar Johannsen 教授 & Michael J. Lyons 博士 特別講演会


主催: 21世紀COEプログラム「動的機能機械システムの数理モデルと設計論」
IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics, Japan Chapter
日時: 2004年05月28日(金) 13:30〜17:00
場所: 京都大学 工学部総合校舎 111講義室
※会場へのアクセス方法は http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/kmap/map6r_y.htm をご参照ください.


講演(1) Auditory Displays in Human-Machine Interfaces
  Prof. Gunnar Johannsen (Univ.-Professor Dr.-Ing.)
Institute for Measurement and Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kassel, Germany
講演(2) Exploring New Interfaces for Human Communication and Expression
  Dr. Michael J. Lyons
ATR Media Integration and Communications Research Labs


"Auditory Displays in Human-Machine Interfaces"

Prof. Gunnar Johannsen (University of Kassel, Germany)

Auditory displays are described for several application domains: transportation, industrial processes, health care, operation theater, and service sectors. Three types of classifications are outlined, namely application-oriented, user-oriented, and sound-oriented classifications of auditory displays, hereby discussing matters beyond the human-machine systems domain. Several types of auditory displays are compared, such as warning, state, and intent displays. Future auditory displays will go far beyond warning and alarm displays. Humans have an innate understanding of sound and music which can be exploited for engineering applications. This will be demonstrated with two examples of sound symbols from music of Beethoven and Takemitsu. The appeal (Anmutung in German) of products, as their desired emotional impression to customers, gains more recognition in the car manufacturing industries. Also, the importance of auditory displays for blind people in a visualized world is considered. Further, the user-centered development of auditory displays is suggested.

The design of - and experiments with - auditory displays for mobile systems is described in more detail. The domain of autonomous mobile service robots has been chosen as an example for the future use of auditory displays within multimedia process supervision and control applications in industrial, transportation, and medical systems. More ambitious auditory displays which are able to communicate system states and intentions by means of semantic non-speech sound symbols and sound tracks have been investigated and developed. The design of directional sounds and of additional sounds for robot states, as well as the design of more complicated robot sound tracks are explained. Basic musical elements and relevant noise signals of the system, such as robot movement sounds, have been combined in order to form intelligible auditory displays. Two exploratory experimental studies, one on the understandability of the directional sounds and the robot state sounds as well as another on the auditory perception of intended robot trajectories in a simulated supermarket scenario, are described. Subjective evaluations of sound characteristics such as urgency, expressiveness, and annoyance have been carried out by non-musicians and musicians.

"Exploring New Interfaces for Human Communication and Expression"

Michael J. Lyons, PhD (ATR IRC/MIS)

Four years ago, I and three of my colleagues organized a workshop on the relationship between studies of human-computer interaction (HCI) and musical expression. The workshop has become an annual international conference called "New Interfaces for Musical Expression" or NIME. NIME-04, the fourth meeting, will be held in Hamamatsu, Japan's city of musical instruments, from June 3-5, 2004. The first part of my talk will give a brief introduction to NIME research as well as a preview of and invitation to participate in NIME-04. The second part of my talk will review one of my research projects related to the NIME conference and show how it stimulated several HCI research projects with non-musical applications.

京都大学大学院 工学研究科 機械工学専攻 機械物理工学専攻 精密工学専攻 航空宇宙工学専攻
  情報学研究科 複雑系科学専攻
京都大学 国際融合創造センター
拠点リーダー 土屋和雄(工学研究科・航空宇宙工学専攻)
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