The 21st Century COE Program
"Center of Excellence for Research and Education on Complex Functional Mechanical Systems"

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研究会のお知らせ > 京都大学-ソウル大学-清華大学熱工学会議, 2003(2003/12/16-18)

Kyoto- Seoul National- Tsinghua University
Thermal Engineering Conference, 2003

on December 16(Tuesday)-18(Thursday), 2003
at Kyoto University - Audio-Video Hall, University Central Library -
Chaired by
Makino, Toshiro, Kyoto University a50141@sakura.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Lee, Joon Sik, Seoul National University jslee123@snu.ac.kr
Li, Zhi-Xin, Tsinghua University lizhx@tsing
Sponsored by
The 21st Century COE Program of
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan

Program PDF icon

December 16 (Tuesday)
9:10- 9:30 Registration
9:30- 9:50 Opening Ceremony (chair: Prof. M. Matsumoto)
Opening address, Welcome address, Introduction of Members, Conference guidance
by Profs. T. Makino, J. Ishikawa, (Z.X. Li, J.S. Lee, H. Yoshida) and M. Matsumoto
10:00-11:40 Session 1 Turbulent Flows (chairs: Profs. P.X. Jiang and Z. Kawara)
Kouji Nagata* and Satoru Komori
Linear Analysis of the Reynolds Number Effects on Turbulence Structure in Shear-Free Boundary Layer
Zhi-Xin Li* and Ji-An Meng
Heat Transfer Enhancement by Multi-Longitudinal Vortex Based on Principle of Field Coordination
Tae-Choon Park, Woo-Pyung Jeon and Shin-Hyoung Kang*
Study of Wake-Induced Boundary-Layer Transition on an Airfoil with Fre-Stream Turbulence
Hang Seok Choi*, Tae Seon Park, Kenjiro Suzuki and Hiroshi Iwai
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Channel with a Wavy Undulated Bottom Wall
13:10-14:50 Session 2 Miscellaneous 1 (chairs: Profs. J.Y. Yoo and S. Komori)
Sung Tack Ro* and Jeong Lak Sohn
Mixing, Combined and Hybrid
Kenjiro Suzuki*
Energy Flow Renaissance toward Hydrogen Society with SOFC-MGT Hybrid Systems as a Distributed Energy Generation Unit
Sang Hee Won, Junhong Kim, Ki-Jung Hong, Min Suk Cha and Suk Ho Chung*
Stabilization Mechanism of Lifted Flame in Near Field of Coflow Jets for Diluted Methane
Atsumasa Yoshida* and Toshiro Makino
Study on Field Measurement of Heat Transfer in Urban Space
Coffee break
15:10-16:50 Session 3 Miscellaneous 2 (chairs: Profs. X.G. Liang and H. Iwai)
Jin-Zhao Wang*, Min Chen, Ji-Wu Shu, Bing Wang and Zeng-Yuan Guo
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Bubble Nucleation: Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Xiao-Min Wu*, Wang-Fa Xu, Wei-Cheng Wang and Li-Ming Tang
Meso-Scale Investigation on Frost Formation on a Cold Surface
Zensaku Kawara* and John M. Smith
Behavior of a Single Bubble Passing through a Venturi
Hidenobu Wakabayashi* and Toshiro Makino
Spectroscopic Approach to Radiation Characteristics, Radiation Diagnosis and Radiation Engineering of Surfaces
17:50-18:00 Photo time for our memorial
18:00-19:30 Welcome Party (chair: Prof. H. Yoshida)
at Centennial Clock-tower Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
by Profs. H. Yoshida, S.T. Ro, Z.X. Li and K. Suzuki
December 17 (Wednesday)
9:30-10:45 Session 4 Microfluidics (chairs: Profs. S.H. Kang and X.M. Wu)
Jung Yul Yoo*
Some Aspects of Micro/Bio Flow Visualization Studies
Takaji Inamuro*, Kazuaki Kobayashi and Fumimaru Ogino
Numerical Simulation of Advancing Interface in a Micro Heterogeneous Channel
Pei-Xue Jiang*, Yi-Jun Xu, Run-Fu Shi, S. He and J.D. Jackson
Convection Heat Transfer of CO2 at Super-Critical Pressures in Mini and Porous Tubes
Coffee break
11:00-11:15 Expense refund
12:45-14:00 Session 5 Devises (chairs: Profs. S.H. Chuang and T. Inamuro)
Joon Sik Lee* and Seung Ho Park
A Molecular Dynamics Study on Heterogeneous Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Expedited by External Force Fields
Xin-Gang Liang*, Ai-Hua Wang and Jian-Xun Ren
Thermal Control of Short-Time Working Power Devices
Yutaka Oda* and Hideo Yoshida
Analysis of Thermoelectric Power Generation with Rectangular-fin Type Module and Its Applicability in Power MEMS
14:05-14:15 Closing Ceremony (chair: Prof. M. Matsumoto)
Closing addresses from Tsinghua, SNU and Kyoto
Addresses of the co-organizers by Profs. Z.X. Li, J.S. Lee and T. Makino
free for Kyoto seeing
December 18 (Thursday)
11:00-15:00 Technical Tour Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
(hotel 9:00-18:00 hotel) (Advanced Technology R & D Center and Communication Systems Center)

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